Our team of skilled plastic surgeons specializes in advanced breast reconstruction techniques, offering personalized care to our patients.
Breast Reconstruction Procedure & Recovery
Breast reconstruction with implants can be performed in a single stage or in 2 stages. During a one-stage reconstruction, an implant is inserted without the use of a tissue expander. During 2-stage reconstruction, a tissue expander must be used to expand the tissue and make room for the implant. If a tissue expander is used, the placement of the implant usually occurs several months later. Your surgeon will help you determine if a tissue expander will be necessary. Once a pocket is created, an implant will be placed. This implant is the same type that is used for breast augmentation and can be either silicone or saline, round or teardrop in shape, and placed above or below the chest muscle.
Each of our surgeons has the experience necessary to guide you in your choice of implant – he or she will discuss your options for implant size, shape, fill material and placement. Subsequent procedures may be necessary to reconstruct the nipple and areola. Recovery after implant reconstruction varies depending on several factors. Because each individual’s recovery is different, it’s important to carefully follow your doctor’s instructions after surgery. This will increase the likelihood for a full and speedy recovery.