Going shirtless, or even wearing certain kinds of form-fitting shirts, can be stressful for men with enlarged breasts — a condition called gynecomastia.
Your Male Breast Reduction Consultation
Many men suffer from gynecomastia, a condition that causes feminine-looking breasts. Sometimes this condition is caused by excess fat, but more frequently the cause of gynecomastia is more complex and not related to a man’s weight at all. Certain medications and illnesses can lead to the development of enlarged breasts in men, so it is important for you to schedule an appointment with a primary care physician before pursuing plastic surgery.
Our surgeons customize their surgical approaches depending on the causes of your breast growth. In some cases, liposuction of the chest is enough for a favorable result. Other patients may require surgical excision of glandular tissue to ensure symptoms don’t reappear. Either way, a male breast reduction is easily tolerated with minimal downtime.